Robots In Plain English explains how robots work, how they evolved, and where they're going. I write columns here to explain something about computers, robots, or automation.
Because robots and automation affect our everyday lives, everyone should be able to understand how they work. The underlying principles need to be explained in an accessible and interesting way to busy people. That is the mission of Robots In Plain English.
No commercial enterprise sponsors this website or my blog, Robot Cottage. You will not see any ads here, just articles. I don't collect any data on you, and you don't need to accept any "privacy policy".
About me:
I've been programming since I was a wee lad.
Two lucky things happened to me in IIT: I met my wife Poornima, and Carnegie Mellon University gave me a graduate assistantship without which I could never have come to the U.S.
Since then, I've built intelligent robots for MIT-spinoff startup Rethink Robotics and run the Boston R&D lab for a world-famous robot manufacturer, KUKA. I've enjoyed making big enterprise IT data storage systems for EMC Corporation (now Dell EMC), and server capacity modeling software for MIT-spinoff BGS Systems. I started out creating engineering modeling software for Schlumberger CAD/CAM and nonlinear finite element analysis simulation software for Abaqus (now part of Dassault Systemes).
Now I want to make small, hand-crafted software and work directly with people trying to use it. I plan to blog semi-regularly at Robot Cottage.
I hope to make the material interesting enough that you will come back for more. If you'd like to be notified when I put up new material, subscribe to my Substack to get articles directly into your mailbox.
Sudheer Apte,
Boston, Mass.